This page contains a compilation of more artistic graphic design work, with an emphasis on computer illustration.

This poster focuses on the loss of habitat primarily in Asia, home to the Giant Panda. Here, the Panda is reverting to using human practices to protect his home. The animal pattern on his chest represents those he is protecting. (The original panda stencil outline is
by Banksy.)
by Banksy.)

The Denver Art Museum held an exhibition on chairs in 2012. This poster is intended to grab the viewer’s attention and challenge them to see the chair differently. Throughout history, chairs have symbolized the life and times of designers and consumers.
As art evolves over time, chair design does too. These posters, rendered by hand then finalized in Adobe Illustrator, aim to awaken the senses and expand our viewpoint on every day objects. *Inception awarded "Jurors' Choice" in 2015 Student Art Show.

Time Magazine is consistently on the verge of controversial stories. They illustrate the cover of the magazine with equally innovative and eye-catching techniques.
This piece focuses on the hot topic of LGBTQ rights. The imagery is meant to cause the reader to reflect on these topics. This artwork was created solely in Adobe Illustrator.

This 9x15 wall calendar was created with the spirit enthusiast in mind. Each image began as a photo and was manipulated to look like watercolor paintings using Adobe Photoshop.